G L O W I N G E M B E R S | 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 2

Solo Exhibition at NIKKI Gallery, Arabi, LA | April 2022

Lost Languages, 2022, oil on wood, 24 x 48 x 1.75”

Landscape, 2021, oil on masonite, 6.75 x 11.5”

Girl with Horse, 2021, oil on paper, 12.75 x 12.75”

Disappearing Figure into Landscape, 2022, oil on wood, 24 x 24 x .75”

Brown Horse, 2021, oil on paper, 11.25 x 13.75”

Egret I, 2019, oil on masonite, 20.5 x 15 x 1”

Two Egrets, 2020, oil on gessoboard, 16 x 20 x 1”

the weight of it sometimes (gatherer), 2022, oil on wood, 16 x 16 x .75”

Lost Languages Study III, 2022, oil on masonite, 5.5 x 10.5 x 1”

Swimmer, 2022, oil on wood, 48 x 24 x 1.75”

Two Horses (purple), 2021, oil on wood, 9.5 x 11”

Horse Mirage, 2021, oil on wood, 11.25 x 12”

Glowing Embers (girl with dog), 2021, oil on wood, 16 x 16 x .75”

Transfiguration in Blue, 2021, oil on wood, 18 x 14 x 1.5”

Dream of the Two Headed Egret, 2022, oil on canvas, 9 x 12 x .75”

Egret II, 2020, oil on masonite, 20.5 x 11 x 1”

With the Ibises, 2021, oil on wood, 24 x 16.25”

Self (the light of possibility and being), 2022, oil on canvas, 12 x 9 x .75”

Weed Eaters, 2022, oil on masonite, 20.5 x 15 x 1”

Glacial (Longing), 2022, oil on canvas, 10 x 8 x 1.5”

Yellow Owl, 2021, oil on paper, 14.25 x 8.5”

Lemon Lion, 2022, oil on canvas, 7 x 5 x 1.5”

Egret III, 2021, oil on masonite, 20.5 x 11 x 1”

Woman & Crow, 2020, oil on paper, 20.25 x 12”

Swimmer Study, 2022, oil on paper with handmade walnut frame, 19 x 10.25 x 1”

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& read the Artist Statement at the bottom of the page:

G  L  O  W  I  N  G    E  M  B  E  R  S


Artist Statement

“And what is the name for the movement we make when we wake, swiping hand or claw or wing across our face, like trying to remember a path or a river we’ve only visited in our dreams.”   –Aimee Nezhukumatathil, from “Naming the Heartbeats”

During the pandemic, I found myself quieting as much external influences as I could and taking time to feel into the place inside myself I wanted to create from.  At the same time, I was rediscovering my love of oil painting after fifteen years away.  The last couple years have been tumultuous, but have brought a great deal of introspection and it is in that space that this body of work came about.

Recently I discovered the work of the late Irish poet and philosopher, John O’Donohue. He speaks about the Celtic fascination with the inner landscape, describing it as the invisible world constantly intertwining with what we can know and see.  His understanding of the divine was that it was manifest everywhere in everything.  In an interview I listened to, he mentions that landscape shapes and forms each of us and can recall you into a mindful mode of stillness, solitude and silence where you can truly receive time.  There is a way in which this outerprescence, even through memory or imagination, can be brought inward as a sustaining force to carry us through dark times.  Most importantly he believed possibility to be the secret heart of time.

Glowing Embers is a reservoir of bright, burning possibilities real and imagined.